
Basic Principles - Cellular Physiology


* Diffusion, Action Potentials, Ionic Equilibrium

* Facilitated Diffusion and Active Transport

* Muscle Tissue

* Muscle Physiology I

* Autonomic Nervous System I

* Autonomic Nervous System II

* Problem Set 1 - Molality & Molarity

* Problem Set 2 - Action Potential, MEPP & Transport

* Problem Set 3 - Muscle Function


Cardiovascular Physiology


* Electrical Activity of the Heart


* Characteristics of the Cardiovascular System

* Hemodynamics

* Cardiac Cycle, Contraction & Mechanics

* Regulation of Cardiac Contraction

* Heart Sounds

* Arterial & Venous Systems

* Microcirculation & Lymphatic Vessels

* Control of Peripheral Blood Flow

* Control of Arterial Pressure

* Control of Cardiac Output

* Cardiovascular Response to Stressor

* Circulation Through Individual Tissue Beds

* Cardiovascular Problem Set A

* Cardiovascular Problem Set B

* Cardiovascular Problem Set C

* Cardiovascular Problem Set D


Respiratory Physiology


* Gas Transport from Airways to Tissues & Back

* Acid-Base Balance-A Respiratory Approach

* Control of Pulmonary Blood Flow

* Four Causes of Hypoxemia

* Mechanics I

* Mechanics II

* Control of Breathing

* Respiratory System Under Stress

* Pulmonary Function Testing