
Arterial and Venous Systems (Chapter 21)



The Arterial System

(Reprinted from Principles of Physiology 3rd ed.,(2000) by R.M.Berne & M.N.Levy, page 238 with permission from Elsevier.)


MAP = Diastolic + 1/3(Systolic+Diastolic)


As the heart beats faster the MAP will rise because the heart spends more time in systole and less in diastole. As arterial pressure falls after systole, a notch in the pressure wave appears in the aorta and proximal arteries. The dicrotic notch represents the pressure variations occurring at the time of closure of the aortic (semi-lunar) valve. From the time of the dicrotic notch until the aortic valve opens during a subsequent systole, pressures in the artery and left ventricle diverge; left ventricular diastolic pressure falls to near zero.

(Reprinted from Principles of Physiology 3rd ed., (2000) by R.M. Berne & M.N. Levy, page 238 with permission from Elseview.)



The compliance (C) of the arteries is equal to the added volume, i.e. stroke volume (SV), divided by the pulse pressure (AP) the added volume produces. Stated in formula:


C = SV/AP or AP = SV/C


The pulse pressure (AP) is directly proportional to the SV and inversely proportional to C.


If the size of the SV increases, thereby increasing systolic pressure, diastolic pressure will also be increased (provided that TPR and heart rate (HR) remain constant): the volume added to the arteries does not “run off” quickly enough to allow diastolic arterial pressure to return to its value before the volume is added.


Systolic pressure is a function of stroke volume and arterial compliance. A decrease in C (unaccompanied by any change in SV or TPR) increases systolic pressure but decreases diastolic pressure. As a result pulse pressure increases, but mean pressure is unchanged.


Diastolic pressure is a function of total peripheral resistance, arterial compliance, systolic pressure, and the time between beats.




The arterial pressure recorded from a catheter within the artery changes in character depending on the location of the catheter (Fig. 6). Generally, with further distance from the ascending aorta, the systolic portion of the pressure wave narrows and increases in amplitude. Nevertheless, mean arterial pressure decreases. (It must or blood would not flow from the heart to the capillaries.) These changes are related to the decreasing diameter and decreasing compliance of arteries with distance from the heart. Both changes increase the amplitude but decrease the duration of the pressure wave.


Measurement of blood pressure in humans:

(Reprinted from Principles of Physiology 3rd ed., (2000) by R.M. Berne & M.N. Levy, page 244, with permission from Elsevier.)

For accurate recording, the sphygmomanometer should be positioned at the same level as the heart so that hydrostatic pressure (gravity effect) neither adds nor subtracts from the actual blood pressure (Fig. 8). Blood pressure should be routinely measured in both arms to assure that no unique circumstances in one arm are disturbing the results.

Blood pressure recorded from an arm (at the level of the heart) may be lower when the patient is standing than when seated or lying down. Postural hypotension represents the situation observed when blood pools in the lower limb veins on standing.

Blood is returned from the extremities through veins with valves that only allow blood to flow in the direction of the heart. As muscles contract the veins are compressed and the return of blood is directed toward the heart. Four valves can be seen within the circle.